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发布人: 发布日期:2024-07-05


林亲录教授博导,瑞典Lund University访问学者,稻谷及副产物国家工程研究中心主任,食品营养与大健康研究院院长;国家重点领域大米深加工与综合利用创新团队首席专家,入选国家万人计划科技领军人才,国家百千万人才人选,享受国务院特殊政府津贴;农业部农业科技杰出人才,农业部稻米深加工与副产物综合利用创新团队首席专家;湖南省科技领军人才;湖南省粮食加工首席专家。长期从事粮食深加工与综合利用基础理论研究和技术创新的教学科研工作,主持国家和省部重大研究课题27项,针对稻米加工出米率低、活性物质流失大,碎米、陈米和镉超标低值稻米利用率低及稻米主食工业化中的瓶颈问题,在智能化精准靶向碾米技术、稻米高值转化加工淀粉糖技术和稻米营养主食工业化生产技术取得重大突破,授权国家发明专利59项,发表论文500,其中Science Advanced等期刊SCIEI收录论文近200高被引论文6篇,H-index 58,制定相关米制品标准14项,主编高校教材2,出版稻谷加工领域专著4部,主讲食品科学导论等课程;获国家科技进步二等奖2项(排名第1,第5,湖南省科技进步一等奖3(排名第1,为我国粮食深加工产业的发展做出重要贡献。

LIN Qinlu   Professor

Director, National Engineering Research Center of Rice and By-product Deep Processing, China

Dean, Food Nutrition and Health Industry Research Institute, Central South University of Forestry and Technology, China


Professor Lin Qinlu is the director of the National Engineering Research Center of Rice and By-product Deep Processing and the dean of food nutrition and health industry research institute in Central South University of Forestry and Technology. He is a chief expert of the innovation team of deep processing and comprehensive utilization of rice in the national key fields, selected as a leading science and technology talent in the National High-Level Personnel of Special Support Program (National Ten Thousands Talent Program) and National Hundred and Thousand and Ten-Thousand Talent Project, receiving special government allowance granted by the State Council; the Outstanding Talent of Agricultural Science and Technology of the Ministry of Agriculture, the Chief Expert of the Innovation Team of "Deep Processing and Comprehensive Utilization of Rice By-products" of the Ministry of Agriculture; the Leading Talent of Science and Technology of Hunan Province; the chief expert of grain processing of Hunan Province. Devoted to the pedagogy and scientific inquiry of fundamental theoretical studies and technological advancements in grain deep processing and comprehensive utilization, he has led over 27 substantial research projects of national and provincial stature. To tackle the existing bottlenecks in the industrialization of rice staple food, he has achieved remarkable breakthroughs in areas such as intelligent precision target milling technology, high-value rice starch-to-sugar conversion processing technology, and industrialization production technology of nutritional rice staple food. These breakthroughs have been instrumental in addressing the challenges of low rice yield, large loss of active substances, low utilization rate of broken rice, stale rice, and cadmium-exceeding low-value rice, all of which were hindrances to the industrialization of rice staple food. He has obtained 59 national inventions patents, published over 500 papers, of which more than 200 are SCI and EI indexed papers, 6 highly cited papers, H-index 58. His contributions also include establishing 14 related rice product standards, editing two college textbooks and publishing four monographs in the field of rice processing. Recognized for his exceptional work, he has received two National Science and Technology Progress Awards (rank 1 and 5 respectively) and three Hunan Provincial Science and Technology Progress Awards (rank 1), making an indelible impact on the evolution of China's deep grain processing industry.